Picnics and Dresses
The weather has turned delightfully warm and springlike and it is really making the spring fever bug bite. I had to do some shopping for warm weather clothes for Sophie in 4T since that is her new size. Some things are even 5T. Anyhow, I ended up getting her a bunch of dresses and they are her absolute FAVORITE item of clothing now.
When she puts on a new dress, she just lights up! She wants to look in the mirror and exclaims, "I'm a princess!". One particular dress has a headband to match. I let her wear that dress today, and she said, "Mama? I want the matching headband too." She is becoming a little fashion plate, which has never been the case til now.
She also loves having a picnic outside. We bring a blanket to the park and sit on it and eat our snack, like strawberries or raisins. Now, every day, she wants a picnic, so we've been sitting in the yard in the shade and "picnicking".
We also flew a kite a couple days ago. The wind is kicking up in the afternoons. But the kite was a little too strong for her and it was flying wildly b/c I didn't have its tail to keep it flying steady.
When she puts on a new dress, she just lights up! She wants to look in the mirror and exclaims, "I'm a princess!". One particular dress has a headband to match. I let her wear that dress today, and she said, "Mama? I want the matching headband too." She is becoming a little fashion plate, which has never been the case til now.
She also loves having a picnic outside. We bring a blanket to the park and sit on it and eat our snack, like strawberries or raisins. Now, every day, she wants a picnic, so we've been sitting in the yard in the shade and "picnicking".
We also flew a kite a couple days ago. The wind is kicking up in the afternoons. But the kite was a little too strong for her and it was flying wildly b/c I didn't have its tail to keep it flying steady.