Sunday, October 22, 2006

Potty Training DONE!!!

I guess Sophie needed to wait for the week she turned 2 1/2 EXACTLY. All week, when she gets dressed in the morning, I've been asking her whether she wants to wear underwear or a pull up.
She opted for the underwear. She kept her pants dry Mon and Tues mornings, but in the afternoon on our walk, she peed in her pants and said, "Uh oh, Mommy, I pee pee in my pants." Then she walked around stiff legged as the pee dripped down her leg. I believe this helped her to figure out quickly the consequences of going in her underwear.

On Mon morning, we were out shopping, and I smelled poop. I asked her if she went, and she said Yes. I went to change her, and there was nothing in her pants. When I asked her where the poo was, she said, "It disappeared!". We promptly went to the potty at Costco and she poo'd and pee'd on the potty. We even called Daddy from the bathroom to share the good news!

Tues, I tentatively sent her to preschool with underwear on and explained to the teachers the situation. She kept her pants dry. However, that afternoon on our walk, after her nap, she peed in her pants. So, after only 2 accidents, we are now done.

It is just like everyone explains - all of a sudden, when they decide to use the potty, they are done. Last night, Sat night, she kept her diaper dry and has been taking her pj's and diaper off in the mornings to pee all by herself.

We need to take a trip to the store to stock up on big girl underwear now :D


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